The Unspoken Terror: Toddlers

If you are anything like me, you have been confused and anxious the last few weeks about things like terrorism, immigration, refugees, and executive orders.  Information is flying in every direction.  There are a lot of facts (both real and alternative) and profound feelings to be shared.  Are we safe?  But more importantly, do we feel safe?  How do we know?  How do we feel about what we think we might know?

Our nation’s safety is of paramount concern, to be sure.  The actions of the new Trump Administration have been far-reaching and quick moving…addressing issues that range from building walls to banning refugees.  These actions, according to our new administration, have been put in place and suggested in order to help us feel more safe, and to reduce the serious and deadly threats that face our great nation today.  According to President Trump, the most pressing threat facing our country is: Radical Islamic Terrorism.

Just reading that phrase should be enough to send shivers down your spine!  I know my spine is shivering.  Are terrorist about to attack us?  Well, I wanted to know more about this serious threat, so I decided to look at some of the facts and statistics.  What I found shocked me to my core, and has literally kept me up night, after night, after sleepless night.

The Real Enemy: They might already be in your home.

Unfortunately for our great country, the real threat has been overlooked.  I feel that in order to make our country truly great again, we have to speak the truth and address the terroristic reign of a group of people who are slaughtering our fellow citizens.  The threat that I speak of, is of course: The American Toddler.  Or, as I now refer to them: The Terror Tots!

That’s not even half a year!  CARNAGE!

Yes, that’s right: Toddlers are armed and dangerous, and freely roaming homes, backyards, and daycare facilities in our precious, precious land.  Don’t let their cuteness distract you!  THAT’S WHAT THEY WANT!  If you turn your back, they WILL shoot you.  If you don’t turn you back on them, they will shoot you in the face.  It’s really a lose-lose.  If we ignore them further, their terror will spread.  We must call terrorism out when we see it.  It is patriotic and presidential to do so.

This realization of facts is especially painful for me personally, because I know toddlers.  I must admit…I even have one in my house.  Having discovered the terrorism he is capable of, I now equally love AND fear him.  I submit to you, based on statistics, that we should be referring to this segment of our population not as “The Terrible Twos”, but, “The Terrorist Twos.”

Terror Tots are here in our country, they are in your neighborhoods, and they are deadly.

Avoid Georgia.  Obviously.

As you can see from the map above, toddlers are shooting our citizens across our great country, from sea to shining sea.  They do not discriminate…Red State or Blue State, they will kill you dead.  There is no remorse, just homegrown American Carnage.  This is truly terrifying.

Statistically speaking, on average, over the last 10 years you are 950% more likely to be killed by at toddler in the USA than you are a foreign terrorist (21 v. 2 deaths per year,  I don’t want to scare you further, but in the interest of honesty and national security, there are other DEADLY threats that face our nation as well.  Here are some truly “pee-your-pants-scary” stats about OTHER things that are more likely to kill you than those despicable terrorists:

I’ll give you a minute to go lock your doors, blow up your lawnmower, go to the basement to hide from lightning, slash all the tires on all buses, and set your bed ablaze in the back yard.  Done?  Make sure to utterly destroy that lawnmower…but from a safe distance.  I recommend using an assault weapon…you know…to be safe, and because it is your God-given American right to do so!

Enough of this Sidetracking Foolishness: How do we solve this problem?

This is Bradley.  He loves trains, cookies, and semi-automatic weapons.  He wishes he was holding a real gun.  Because it is his 2nd Amendment right…but mostly because he wants to shoot you dead.

So let’s get back to the issue at hand.  How do we prevent further attacks from these terrorist toddlers?  Well, like many things in life, the issue is not as simple as it may seem.

I suppose one could suggest that we stop arming these young children with guns and weapons.  This, of course, is a stupid suggestion.  Really, anyone suggesting this should be shot!  We all know that it is Un-American to take guns away from toddlers.  COME ON!  They have the RIGHT to keep and bear arms!  Besides, if we take guns away from toddlers, who is going to protect us from foreign-born terrorists and refugees?  Think about it!  If we start taking guns away from our children, what’s next?  Slippery slope!  Check & Mate, my dumb liberal snowflake friend!

As any non-stupid person knows, gun control is never the answer.  We ALL know that guns don’t kill people…Foreign Islamic Terrorists kill people.  So naturally, and obviously, this suggestion is asinine.

So since we obviously are not going to stop letting children have guns, we need to find alternative methods of saving our nation from the Terror Tots.  I don’t think we can really ban them…since they are already here, are cuddly, cute, and we love them.  Plus, I am sure there are some “legal” reasons why we can’t just ship them out of our fantastic country.  So, I think that leaves us with only two real, solid, realistic, American-values-oriented options.

1. Pray

Yes, we can really only pray.  Pray that our children, armed to the teeth, will spare our lives, let us live, and will get distracted by our offerings of snack pouches, twice weekly bubble baths, and daily viewings of Super Why, Doc McStuffins, Little Einsteins, and of course, Caillou.  Wait, uh…maybe not Caillou…that show will probably drive them to kill more.  That little bald Canadian is a bloodthirsty foreign terrorist, beamed into our televisions from the Great White North as a form of psychological warfare and punishment.  Plus, he is whiny.

But nevertheless, pray fervently that our American toddlers will choose to defend us, instead of kill us.

2. Build the Wall(s)

Since we cannot ban or deport our own toddlers (I don’t think), we need to follow the foolproof example of our Commander-in-chief and start throwing up walls IMMEDIATELY.

By the way…THIS is not a wall.  This is a “Play Yard.”  Learn the difference and stop being a dumb liberal hippy.

I am not talking about baby gates and play fences.  No.  I am talking about a WALL, made out of American Steel and Concrete.  Walls everywhere…don’t care where, just build them.  Build them to keep the children out…and…uh…in?

You may say, “But won’t that be expensive?”  I would answer:  Oh yeah!  It will take craploads of money!  But…can you put a price tag on not being killed by your own homegrown terrorist child?  The answer is no; you cannot.  Avoid carnage at all costs, I always say.  You can’t put a price on happiness, and nothing would make me more happy than not getting shot by a toddler.

Besides, there is an obvious answer to the problem of funding:  We will make Canada pay for the walls.  Canada will pay for the walls, trust me, they will.  That pretty boy Trudeau will pay for the all the walls as restitution for inflicting the scourge known as Caillou on our innocent country.  It is LITERALLY the least they can do.  Canada will pay, walls will be built, and toddlers will be kept at bay.

You will pay for unleashing evil upon our country, you gorgeous hunk of a man! You will pay for our walls, you dreamy Prime Minister of evil children’s programming!

In Closing:

We can all agree, we love our children, but we also fear them.  This is right, necessary, and healthy.  Let us pray, and let us feverishly build walls.  We know we are much safer behind walls.  Let us make sure to close off our minds, as we board up our homes.  The threats of global terrorism are no doubt real, and we should definitely ignore reason, facts, and statistics and instead commit ALL of our time and FEAR to the issue of “preventing” terror attacks.  But to ignore the terror that a short time ago burst forth from our American loins and wombs is a grave and dire sin as well.  Together, with some well placed American Steel, and constant prayer, we can all make America Safe, and Great Again.


Pray. Canada will pay.  The Walls will keep the Terror Tots at bay.

Have a nice day.

May God help us all.

LEAKED: Trump’s Original (Unedited) Inaugural Address


The following is a leaked copy of Donald J. Trump’s original Inaugural Address, which was to be given on Jan. 20th, 2017:


Trump approaches the microphone in front of the Capitol Building, waving to the crowd, giving tiny “thumbs up” and pointing, at nobody in particular.

Trump begins:

Alright folks, thank you, thanks folks.  This is just fantastic isn’t it?  Look at all these peeple!  Ah, the peeple, you really love me.  Peeple love Donald Trump, I’ve always said it!  No seriously, thank you to all the real American peeple out there today, making America Great Again.  Who needs celebrities right?  It’s like I always said on my enormously popular yuge hit NBC show Celebrity Apprentice, I said, “Celebrities, you’re fired!”  I still believe that.  The dishonest media, they say different, but no, you’ll check.

So, I want to thank some peeple first, who made this yugely successful victory possible.  It really was yuge, I mean, poor Hillary, who is sitting right over there folks, she really just lost so badly.  She doesn’t even know what to do!  Hi Hillary!  Such a sad, evil loser.  But thank you Hill, no seriously, you’re great.  Yuge loser, but great.  I mean, you’ll end up in jail, but whatever… maybe you won’t.  We’ll see.  I’ll tweet about it later, believe me.  Big league.

Anyway folks, wow…its cold!  Who says global warming is real?  I am right?  Of course I’m right…we could really use some global warming right now though!  Too bad it’s fake news…fake, very fake, as fake as BuzzCNN Feed, believe me!  Very sad.  Wrong.

So anyway, I decided something glorious about the wall I’m gonna build, who remember’s that?

Paid staffers cheer.

Ok good, so you remember.  I almost forgot.  But now I decided to make it out of solid gold.  Wasn’t gonna build it, maybe put up a fence, then decided: No…it’s gonna be gold.  More luxurious, more fantastic, just great folks.  Believe me, I know how to build things out of gold!  Don’t worry, Mexico will pay for it.  And also Meryl Streep.  Overrated as an actress, but lots of cash, loves gold, wants to pay for the gold wall.  Trust me, she will.   After it’s built and she and Mexico pay for it, she’s going over that wall folks.  She isn’t our country’s best, ok?  Probably a rapist, most likely an illegal.  Not making things great enough.  Too much talky talk, too much acting, big league overrated.

So like I was saying, thanks to Meryl for being rich enough to build a gold wall…thanks to my family, especially the attractive ones.  I mean come on peeple, Melania and Ivanka, just great right?  Solid 10s.  Love them.  The rest of my family?  They’re here too.

I want to thank my good friend and hero Sean Hannity, for being the only honest media person in this entire country.  Trust me, he is.  I want to thank Russia, for just being Russia.  Just an inspiring country…now there is leadership!  Great Russia I call it.  So sad that our country isn’t great like them.  Am I right folks?  Believe me.  Just fantastically sad!

So I want to keep this simple, and short…much like my fingers…so we won’t keep you out here much longer…the lack of gold is really starting to make things not great.  If nothing else, I am a simple man…like the common person, you know, the middle America farmers and plumbers, just fantastic folks, yugely normal.  You, like me, we were struggling, am I right?  I struggle just like any other New York City Billionaire, you know?  We needed things to be greater!  All of our Trump Towers…they weren’t as luxurious and gold…Obama’s fault, or crooked Hillary.  Both of them Muslims.

Not sure, you’ll figure it out.  So thanks to everyone who did the right, honest, thing and voted for me.  No thanks to those who did not…losers.  You’re now my enemies, and you lost big league.  We need to unite behind me, both the people who got it right, and the wrong losers who are my loser enemies.  Support me, just great.  Let’s be respectful to me, ok?

I want to thank my good friend Franklin Graham.  Where’s Frank?  There he is!  Fantastic human being.  Frank tells me, and I believe him, that God made me president.  God, great guy…yuge fan of mine.  God, who did write a great Bible-iography, just fantastic.  One of my favorites…almost as good as my books!  Jesus the God says, in His book, we need America to be great again, and only Trump can do it, am I right folks?  Look, God, He loves America…especially Americans who were born here, and look like me, and believe like me, and talk like me, and have wives like me, and share political views like me, and voted for me.  Just loves them!  At least, that’s what Franklin has told me.

So I am going to stop talking, and start making America Great Again, for at least a few weeks, until I get bored, then I’ll let Pence run things however he wants.  Anything goes for Pence.  Good man, Pency Pence.  I have a lot to do…I have healthcare to take away from peeple, I have gold walls to build, marital affairs to engage in…err…I mean…political affairs.  Just luxuriously fantastically great!  Don’t know, don’t care.  Don’t talk to me about it or ask me questions, check my twitter…I have a yuge amount of followers.  Making Tweets Great Again.

So thank you, and as they say, God Bless Donald Trump, and every American who voted for him, and not the losers and illegal immigrants who didn’t!

Trump walks away from the podium, hugs his wife and Ivanka, ignores the rest of his family, flips off Hillary Clinton, eats some gold dust, and goes off camera.
